
Sanjay Patel : Sarasvati

Sanjay Patel is an illustrator and animator. He has worked in the animation department of various projects, most of them animated films released by Pixar.

Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of learning, wisdom, music, and aesthetics. She is the goddess of speech. She is identified as the inventor of Sanskrit and, appropriately, gives Ganesha the gifts of pen and inks. She is also a patron of the arts and sciencesIn Hindu art, Saraswati is usually depicted as a graceful youth wearing a white sari, which symbolises purity. Not being concerned with worldly goods she rarely wears jewellery. She may have a crescent on her forehead and be seated on a lotus flower. Alternatively, she may be shown riding her vehicle (vahana), either a swan or goose. The hands hold items with symbolic meaning — a pustaka (book or script), a mālā (rosary, garland), the lotus (a symbol of spiritual knowledge) and playing a musical instrument (vīnā). 
Read: http://www.sacredwind.com/sarasvati.php






Täo Porchon-Lynch - Role Model

Täo Porchon-Lynch, 98, practicing yoga at the Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Hartsdale, NY. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/26/fashion/tao-porchon-lynch-oldest-living-yoga-celebrity.html?_r=0


Winsor & Newton Drawing Inks

I think I got this from the web page of this wonderful artist that I follow: http://www.missydunaway.com/




Algarrobo, litoral central Chile.

Quizás porque mi niñez sigue jugando en tu playa.....
llevo tu luz y tu olor por donde quiera que vaya.....



just go

Poem . Elyane Youssef

What if it Works out between Us?

It will either work out between us or it won’t.
But I’m not afraid of the absurd failure.
I’m actually afraid of the possible success.



Esta ilustración es de Mindfullymade (tiene tienda en Etsy)!




The Red Tent provided a place for women to recalibrate, incubate, dream, slow down and reconnect, during their moon time.



Sueño de Noche Kalfü

La noche hace su entrada en el bosque, tiñéndolo todo de Azul (Kallfü), el color del alma para el pueblo mapucheUna pareja de enamorados intenta encontrarse en la espesura de los árboles, pero el bosque es un lugar de ilusiones y apariencias en donde la realidad diluye sus límites.
Para que ambos logren encontrarse, deberán transitar por este bosque, el cual los sorprenderá con sus sonidos, personajes, música y animales y nos invitará a disfrutar de un espectáculo de pequeño formato lleno de símbolos y sorpresas.


David Lynch on Consciousness, Creativity and the Brain

David Lynch explains his understanding about consciousness, creativity and the brain. He says that Transcendental Meditation played crucial role in developing his consciousness and boosting his creativity.


Árbol Genealógico

Alejandro Jodorowsky:

“Cuando conoces los problemas que te transmite tu árbol genealógico hay que desidentificarse, haciendo de ese árbol una entidad danzante, aliada y luminosa. Somos portadores de los conflictos no solucionados de nuestro árbol, el cual arrastra mucho sufrimiento aunque también trae consigo muchos dones”.

Shine a Life: calles de Santiago

Este blog me encantó!! 
Esta es su descripción: 


Shine-a-Life is a British-Chilean Mother-Daughter duo: Emily Lancaster and Sienna Guerrero Lancaster. Emily is English by blood but Chilean by heart, and Sienna is a true mix of both! This blog is a focus on their passion for travel, food, fashion and how they go about living Life to the full. Which of the two is the Shine and which is the Life? That's for you to decide...

Este post en particular es sobre calles de Stgo:



read on Elephant Journal

. . . Life is a delicate dance of internal alignment and external circumstances.
And some of this dance is in our control and some of it isn’t . . . 



To Boddah

Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complain-ee. This note should be pretty easy to understand.
All the warnings from the punk rock 101 courses over the years, since my first introduction to the, shall we say, ethics involved with independence and the embracement of your community has proven to be very true. I haven’t felt the excitement of listening to as well as creating music along with reading and writing for too many years now. I feel guity beyond words about these things.



slow & steady wins the race

slow & steady wins the race


so far

create your own map at http://matadornetwork.com/travel-map/


photgraphy from my own personal collection


v o g u e . f a s h i o n

v o g u e . f a s h i o n

". . . it´s always a good time for a revolution . . . but what I love is that people can do that thing in a kind of post punk, cont-cultural way, they now can self publish, or they can set up immediate kind of ecommerce, and they can reach that community, so now has never been a better time for creatives to, you know, promote product and to promote themselves and what they stand for and we never had this much sort of technology, we never had this much digital connection and the very fact that people are powerful and they can create a narrative around something that is suddenly very meaningful, you know, just maybe that is a massive power in itself" Caryn Franklin


hAppy New yeAr!!

From this moment on, strive to be your own best friend. Look within for your dreams, your inspiration, and your sense of hope. Trust your intuition and your passion. Celebrate your strengths and be open to areas of potential growth. Believe in yourself, and remember that you not only deserve a fulfilled life, your purpose fulfilled is exactly what the world needs. And finally, never be afraid to take small steps and never be too cautious to think big. (taken from Begin With Yes)